Revolutionizing innovation
in sports & healthcare
Lipse is a Lithuanian startup
well versed in regional and international R&D&I projects.

We specialize in sports achievement and healthcare, as well as education by employing digital products.
Our expertise lies in efficient application of knowledge of the human body and mind.
We carry out scietific research, designate testing tools, implement pre- and post- testing,
and tailor the product to end-users.
In addition to conventional testing, we apply psychophysiological parameter measuring (Biofeedback).
Project activities
ITEA project Inno4Health 2021-2023
In the Inno4Health project led by Phillips we explored the application of cognitive training with mental techniques to increase athletic performance.
Our innovation in mental technique application in hybrid digital format proved to be a revolutionary success recognized in the sport psychology congresses:
FEPSAC Padova 2022 (European Federation of Sport Psychology), and ASP Muenster 2022.
We are the pioneers in digitalized mental technique and cognitive training application in the actual sports field.
The project has received numerous awards on an international and national level.

EdTech - a Lithuanian National Agency for Education umbrella project 2022
EdTech project was a unique possibility to test the application of our digitalized mental and cognitive training package in a non-sports environment.
During the project we ran a case study with more than a hundred students from primary and high schools of Lithuania.
After a two-month intervention using digitalized cognitive training with mental techniques just a few minutes everyday,
significant results were achieved in the domains of:
- concentrating in the beginning of class
- transferring attention to the task at hand after intense emotions
This led to better outcomes in the learning process and higher student and teacher satisfaction.
Nominated for ITEA Award of Excellence 2024 for Innovation
International project Inno4Health project is nominated for the upcoming ITEA Award of Excellence 2024 for Innovation.
The final results will be known after September 10th!
Best Lithuanian EUREKA project of 2021-2023
Lithuanian contribution in the Inno4Health project was nominated as the best EUREKA project of 2021-2023 by the Research Council of Lithuania.
European Sails 2023 nominees
EdTech project results were nominated TOP3 in Lithuania in the “Investment to a modern school” category.